Table of Contents I. Installing VBPro 1. Introduction 2. Pre-install decisions 3. Editing the files (a) cgi files (b) config files 4. Uploading the files 5. Setting permissions 6. Testing the setup II. Creating and Maintaining Books 1. Using the Master Admin program 2. Creating a new book (a) using a template (b) using custom options 3. Modifying a book (a) book options (b) field options (c) html and templates (d) banning options 4. Deleting a book III. The User Admin Program 1. Controlling user access 2. Overview of user abilities |
Installing VBPro: Editing the files
For the VBPro system to function properly, several configuration options must be set based on your system layout and personal preferences. Though getting this step right may take a bit more time depending on your experience and knowledge, it is the most crucial step in getting the system to function. Editing the CGI files VBPro consists of several scripts that perform ceratin funtions. Most of the scripts need the same set configuration information, and all of this information is stored in one configuration file. As a result, relatively little has to be done to each individual script. First, you must modify each of the three CGIs (vbpro, vbadmin, vbmasteradmin) to point to the Perl program on your system. This means the first line of each of the programs must contain a pound sign, an exclamation point, and the full path to the perl program. If you do not know what should go here, there are a few ways to find out: - Ask your ISP/Service Provider what the correct path to Perl is - In Telnet, type 'which perl' or 'whereis perl' - On your ISP, snoop around in someone else's CGI and see what they've got Some settings for the path to Perl are: #!/usr/bin/perl #!/usr/local/bin/perl #!/bin/perl #!/usr/sbin/perl After you have the correct path to Perl set, the only other thing that must be modified in each program is the configuration file information. The program needs to know where to look for the configuration file that stores all the other information you will input. Decide now (if you haven't already done so) where you are going to place this file. (See Section I, Chapter 2 if you need help deciding where things go.) To change this variable, simply modify the location that is already inside the quotes. Be sure to leave the double quotes in place. For example, your configuration will look similar to this (the path will be different): $configfile = "vb.config.pl"; Editing the configuration files Once your VBPro system is working, almost every aspect of maintaining several guestbooks and users is easily managed thanks to VBPro's comprehensive web-based administrator tools. However, in order for these tools to function properly, the main configuration file must be configured correctly. Therefore, it is reccomended that you understand what each option in the configuration file does as you go along editing it. This section steps you through each variable in the vb.config.pl file. $templatedir = "/usr/local/apache/vbtemplates"; This is the path of the directory where VBPro template files are stored. These files are used only in the master admin program. Nevertheless, they are crucial; if no templates are installed, new books can only be created using the custom book process (powerful, yet more time consuming.) $sharedlib = "/usr/local/apache/vbfiles/vb.shared.lib.pl"; Path to the Command-O VBPro shared library. This file contains VBPro code that is used by most of the three programs. Putting it all in one file saves space since the code in it isn't written several times among the three CGIs. Like all of the VBPro files, this should be located in a safe place on your server. $cgilib = "/usr/local/apache/vhosts/hoho/vbfiles/cgi-lib.pl"; This is the path of the CGI-LIB library. Written by Steve Brenner, CGI-LIB is a popular file containing many functions that making processing forms, among other things, easier for developers such as Command-O Software. This file is required. $cgi_url = "https://domain.xyz/cgi-bin/vbpro/vbpro.cgi"; This should be the URL of the "vbpro" CGI (by default, it is named vbpro.cgi). This value is used by the Master Admin program when making new books. Particularly, it will automatically place this value in templates that ask for it. (All Command-O templates use this technique.) $masterpass = "/usr/local/apache/vbfiles/masteradmin.pass"; This is the path of the password file for the master administrator. A default version of this file was included in the VBPro distribution. $mailprog = "/usr/sbin/sendmail"; This is the location of your mail program on your server (this is usually called sendmail). If you want to find this and have a shell account, login and type "which sendmail" (no quotes). $basebookdir = "/usr/local/apache/vbfiles/books"; This is the path of the directory where books will be created. This may be something like /usr/local/etc/httpd/vbpro/books . Information about guestbooks will be stored in this directory. BE CAREFUL -- don't end this value with a forward slash (/)! Follow the example above. $root_livedir = "/usr/local/apache/htdocs/books"; When a new book is created using the the master admin program, this is the absolute top place where the book HTML files will be allowed to be created. This should probably be set to a designated "books" directory inside your main htdocs directory for easiest maintainence and security. However, if you set this to simply your htdocs directory -- or worse, nothing at all -- whoever uses the master admin program (which should be just you or very few people) can create books anywhere inside that directory. This is not a huge risk since only at most few responsible people other than yourself should have access to the master admin program. Nevertheless, the stricter, the better. $root_liveurl = "https://domain.xyz/books"; This URL corresponds with the directory above. Be certain not to include a trailing slash (do not end this url with a /). $picture_url = "https://web.hoho.com/vbpro/pics"; The administrator programs use a few graphics in their interfaces. Upload the images that came with the software somewhere on your web site and point to that directory here. $logouturl = "https://domain.xyz"; After the user admin or master admin logs out, the CGI will redirect them to this page. Not very important, as long as you have something. That's it; if you modified the config and CGI files carfully and thoroughly, you should be ready to go on to the next step: Uploading the files. VisitorBook Pro Documentation, Copyright © 1997-2000 Command-O Software |