Table of Contents II. Creating and Maintaining Books 1. Using the Master Admin program 2. Creating a new book (a) using a template (b) using custom options 3. Modifying a book (a) book options (b) field options (c) html and templates (d) banning options 4. Deleting a book III. The User Admin Program 1. Controlling user access 2. Overview of user abilities |
The User Admin Program: Overview of user abilities
Should you decide to give other people access to a book or books through the user admin program, they will have a few abilities as described below. The user will be free to modify any aspect of the book's layout and function. In glancing at the "Edit VisitorBook" screen, you should be able to see that they have a wide array of tools. These same configuration options are accessible by you through the master admin program. Additionally, the user can control posts in the approval section. The user who has access to the book through the user admin program can control what gets seen on the book and what does not. In this manner, the admin can act effectively as a moderator of the book. The user may change his or her password by modifying the field on the "Edit VisitorBook" screen. That is, if the text field for password is anything other than "-- edit to change --", the new password will be the contents of the field. (The reason the system uses this method as opposed to simply showing you the existing password is that the password is stored in such a way as to make it practically impossible to determine the password from the encrypted (or hased) value.) VisitorBook Pro Documentation, Copyright © 1997-2000 Command-O Software |