Table of Contents
  II. Creating and Maintaining Books
    1. Using the Master Admin program
    2. Creating a new book
      (a) using a template
      (b) using custom options
    3. Modifying a book
      (a) book options
      (b) field options
      (c) html and templates
      (d) banning options
    4. Deleting a book

  III. The User Admin Program
    1. Controlling user access
    2. Overview of user abilities

The User Admin Program: Controlling user access

VisitorBook Pro comes shipped with a powerful master administrator program that can handle almost every task needed for each book. However, the trusted sidekick of this program is the user administrator program, simply called "vbadmin.cgi". Through this program, users have access to any setup information they might need to change. Controlling access to this program allows you to designate other people to control a specific book or books.

Allowing access to the user admin program is simple; it is controlled through the master admin program. To allow access to the program, simply assign the book a password -- either when you create the book or by modifying the book. Setting nothing as the password, or a blank password, will result in the user admin program disallowing that book to be accessed through the user admin program. On the master admin edit screen, this is accomplished by erasing the text "-- modify to change --" and clicking "Submit Changes".

Note that it is necessary to use the user admin program to access the post-approval mode. If you create a book where posts must be approved, you will need to log in to the user admin program to approve these posts.

VisitorBook Pro Documentation, Copyright © 1997-2000 Command-O Software