Table of Contents
  II. Creating and Maintaining Books
    1. Using the Master Admin program
    2. Creating a new book
      (a) using a template
      (b) using custom options
    3. Modifying a book
      (a) book options
      (b) field options
      (c) html and templates
      (d) banning options
    4. Deleting a book

  III. The User Admin Program
    1. Controlling user access
    2. Overview of user abilities

Installing VBPro: Using the Master Admin program

VisitorBook Pro was designed from the ground up as a guestbook system that could easily be modified and controlled through the web. One of VBPro's most powerful programs, the Master Admin program allows you to create, maintain, and delete any number of guestbooks in your guestbook system.

Login to Master Admin - Use login admin , passwd admin
User Login - Sub user login here after you create there guestbook.

In later chapters in this section, we delve into the specifics of how different modes of the program work. For now, let's just get accquainted with the basic functionality of the program as a whole.

The Master Admin program (and the VBPro system in general) is written with the assumption that in the installed guestbook system, there will be one "master admin" who controls the maintainence of the guestbook system and oversees adding news books and related tasks. This master admin is assumed to be a trusted person who is familiar with and has access to your web site and server information.

Most likely, you are the master administrator. Alternatively, the master admin could be a few trusted people (yourself included) to whom you have given access information for the master admin program. In any case, it should be hard to figure out who we are refering to when we talk about the master admin.

In order to do any sort of editing or administrative functions built in to the master admin program, the master admin must first login. The VBPro distribution comes with a file called "masterlogin.html". This file in turn has a form for logging in to the CGI. Be sure to edit this form to point to the correct CGI on your server.

You probably uploaded this HTML login form to some place on your web site. Find it, and view the login page in your favorite web browser. By default, VisitorBook Pro is written with a standard master admin user ID of "admin" and a corresponding password as "admin". (Remember: after you log in for the first time, the first thing you should do is change this password to something less obvious and more secure. Otherwise, anyone guessing or reading the VBPro documentation could gain access to your system with very little effort.

After you login for the first time, you will see a few different modes on the master admin main page. They are described below:

New VisitorBook
This mode is used for adding a new guestbook to the VBPro system. New guestbooks can be created online based on any pre-defined layout or with custom HTML and options. Creating a new VisitorBook can last anywhere from two to twenty minutes, depending on desired complexity.

Delete a VisitorBook
This mode is fairly obvious; it is used for erasing a VisitorBook, including all posts and related from-submitted data.

Edit a VisitorBook
This powerful mode can be used to access, display, and modify any preferences set for any book in the current guestbook system.

Change Master Password
Click on this mode for a very simple password-changing screen.

For more detailed descriptions of how these modes operate, continue by selecting the desired chapter at left.

VisitorBook Pro Documentation, Copyright © 1997-2000 Command-O Software