NEW...High Speed Internet for Superior

Resident Wi-Fi Survey

The Town of Superior is preparing to bring high speed internet access to your community. We would like to determine the current status of our telecom infrastructure, current and future telecom needs, and the best strategies to bring advanced telecomm services to your home. Please print this page on your computer, fill out this questionnaire by August 15th and:

Drop off at Town Hall or Library
Fax the questionnaire to Ralph Velez, Superior Town Manager at (520) 689-5822

Your Name:


How many computers are in your home?
Do you currently have access to the Internet?   Yes   No
Is Internet access critical?   Yes   No
Who is your Internet Service Provider?
Your current monthly cost for Internet services: $
Current Internet Connection:   Slow   Fast
Do you want a faster Internet Connection?   Yes   No

If reliable high speed Internet access was available to you, would you pay around $30 a month for this service?
    Yes    No

Which Internet services would be valuable to you? (Check all that apply)
Faster Speed
e-mail Research/Surfing
High-speed data transfer (data, music, etc.)
On-Line Education
Web Hosting/e-commerce
Local and Long Distance Phone service over Internet

We would like to know more about what problems you have, because you do not have high-speed access? How would you use a high-speed connection if it were available? Please be specific. Use additional pages if necessary.

Thank You! -- Town of Superior High Speed Internet Committee

Key Wi-Fi Terms

Questions & Answers about Wi-Fi
Watch for your "Internet Questionaire" in your next Town of Superior mailing.  