The Superior Youth MuralJune 14, 1998Location: East side of 350 Main St. The project was funded in 1998 by an Artists in Residence Grant from the Arizona Commission on the Arts, with the full support of the Town Council and The Superior Unified School District. This effort came to life because of the dedicated efforts of 15 Student Artists (listed below in no particular order), the leadership and direction of local Chicana artist, Gloria Arvizu-Thompson, and the tutelage of Martin Moreno, Artist in Residence. The project was completed over a 20-day period, in which students learned the history of murals, the techniques associated with painting murals as well as the social implications of murals. They brainstormed on the content of the mural by means of written questionnaires that were later translated into visual imagery. Then they focused on developing drawing skills, painting techniques and composition design, after which was the actual painting. Finally, students wrote about their experience in this project, explaining the process and symbolism. Student Artists: Lorraine Campos, Mary Macias, Danny Padilla, Vanessa Torres, J. J. Gomez,Jade Zapata, Josh Gomez, Javier Gomez, Rebeca Carreno, Robert Wilson, Matthew Maldanado, Julie Villaverde, Seth Abrahamsen, Denise Romero, Tony Magana
CLICK ON THESE IMAGES TO SEE A LARGER VIEW Central Bakery Bridge just east of town Old Church on Pinal La Mina Bar Main and Magma Magma Hotel Looking east on Main St. Picket Post Mountain Old Superior High School The Superior Youth Mural Water? Photos courtesy of Mr. Lou Oats Click on banner below to visit his site
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