Superior Town Code

Also see the Superior Zoning Code and Ordinances

The Superior Town Code was adopted in 1977 a copy can be viewed as an htm file (large file) and is also available for inspection at the Town of Superior offices. Or view as a PDF file format in your in your browser as a file that you can save.

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Town Code 2011 Full HTML

For more information about codes, zoning, and ordinances call the Superior Town offices at: 520-689-5752

Town Hall is located at 199 Lobb Ave. The site of the Old Roosevelt School.

Chapter 1 General
Chapter 2 Mayor and Council
Chapter 3 Administration
Chapter 4 Police and Fire Department
Chapter 5 Magistrate Court
Chapter 6 Animals
CHAPTER 7 Building Safety
Chapter 8 Business
Chapter 9 Health and Sanitation
Chapter 10 Offenses
Chapter 11 Traffic
Chapter 12 Property and Parks

Why a Town Code?


THAT certain document entitled “ THE CODE OF THE TOWN OF SUPERIOR, ARIZONA”, three copies of which are on file in the office of the town clerk, is hereby declared to be a public record, and said copies are ordered to remain on file with the town clerk.

WHEREAS, it is necessary for the preservation of the peace, health and safety of the Town of Superior, Arizona, and emergency is declared to exist, and the resolution shall be effective immediately upon its passage and adoption.

PASSED AND ADOPTED BY THE Mayor and Common Council of the Town of Superior, Arizona, this 16th day of June, 1977.

APPROVED this 16th dày of June, 1977 by the affirmative vote of three fourths of the members of the Common Council of the Town of Superior, Arizona.