Mission StatementThe mission of the Superior Historical Society, Inc., is to, through museum activities, collect, preserve, interpret and disseminate the history of mining, the people, and the community of Superior, Arizona and surrounding area from the Gadsden Purchase in 1853 through the final close of the copper mine in 1996. Museums not only collect, preserve and exhibit objects valuable to art, history, and science but are also educational institutions, research agencies, and cultural centers. The Superior Historical Society, Inc., will seek to advance all of these museum functions. When you become a member of the Superior Historical Society, Inc., a non-profit organization, you help us to continue expanding our exhibitions, educational programs and special events. Get your membership application today! If you use Microsoft Office Click Here. If you do not use Microsoft Office Click Here. Without YOU, were history! Rita Wentzel, President The Superior Historical Society, Inc., Information Center is located at the Bob Jones Museum, 300 Main St. Superior, Arizona
Contact InformationSuperior Historical Society1-520-689-02001-520-689-0200P. O. Box 613, Superior, AZ 85273-2611Webmaster: webmaster@superior-arizona.com
Send mail to webmaster@superior-arizona.com
with questions or comments about this web site.