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Full Name: Charles E. Thompson
Home Page Title: Superior, Arizona
Home Page: Superior, Arizona
Date and Time: 10/2/00, 7:20 PM
How did you find us? Infoseek
Comments: This is a test to see if all sections of this script is working properly...
Full Name: Chuck Thompson
Home Page Title: Superior, Arizona
Home Page: Superior, Arizona
Date and Time: 10/2/00, 6:58 PM
How did you find us? Infoseek
Comments: nice website
Full Name: Daniel Thompson
Home Page Title:
Home Page: None.
Date and Time: 10/2/00, 6:26 PM
How did you find us? Webcrawler
Comments: Nice site...
Full Name: Charles E. Thompson
Home Page Title: Town of Superior, Arizona
Home Page: Town of Superior, Arizona
Date and Time: 10/2/00, 6:06 PM
How did you find us? search engine
Comments: This is a test of this guestbook