Superior, Arizona
734 W. Main St.
Superior, Arizona 85273-2611
Phone: 520-689-5752
Fax: 520-689-5822


Boyce Thompson Arboretum
is the oldest and most spectacularly situated arboretum and botanical garden in the American Southwest.

US Highway 60
Superior, AZ 85273
Phone: 520-689-2811


The World�s Smallest Museum
 in Superior houses alot of local history artifacts. The biggest attraction at the museum is the world's largest Apache Tear gemstone.

superior arizona

1111 West US Hwy 60
Superior, Arizona 85273




Town of Superior Emails
Town Manager
Town Clerk
Public Works Director
Fire Station

Superior Police Dept
734 W Main St
Superior, AZ 85273
(520) 689-5254

Superior Chamber of Commerce
P.O. Box 95
Superior, Arizona 85273-2611
Phone: 520-689-0200
Fax: 520-689-0200

Superior Public Library
99 Kellner Avenue
Superior, AZ 85273
Phone: 520-689-2327

Superior High School
100 Mary Drive
Superior, AZ 85273
Phone: 520.689.3100
Fax: 520.689.3197

Superior Unified School District #15
100 Mary Drive
Superior, Arizona 85273
Phone: 520.689.3000
Fax: 520.689.3009